Sunday, November 8, 2009


Here is my latest failed attempt at making rolls. No matter how many times I try and how close I follow the recipe I can't get my rolls to rise. Does anyone have any tips for me? ( As you can see they weren't that bad because we ate most of them!)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Here are a few tips that have worked for me. #1. I buy a specific brand of yeast that has been great. With other brands it was always hit and miss- sometimes my stuff rose, sometimes it didn't. The brand is called saf-instant and you can find it at Bowmans (and I'm sure some other stores). #2. When you combine the yeast with water (most recipes will have you do that first and let it activate before adding it to everything else) make sure the water is hot. Not just warm and not scolding. After it sits in the water, it kind of bubbles up and expands and that's how you know it's activated and working! Hope that helps! I can't tell you how many times I've had baked goods not rise because I couldn't figure out the yeast thing. I promise, this brand of yeast is awesome!!