I hope that the girls had a fun time because I know I did. Thanks Mom for coming to help out with Lay.
( I have the Halloween party next month. Any ideas for 3 year olds? )
Sophie passed out after a long day swimming.
Sophie has been getting ready for Christmas by reading the Fisher Price catalog twice a day. She wants every toy in there!
My Five
1. That 5 minutes I have in the morning right before the kids wake up
2. The first day of Fall!!!!
3.Sophies old baby clothes. Laynie doesn't need one thing for the winter!
4. post it notes- I'm a list maker
5. Girls night out! Thanks for the tips ladies!
I have seen lots of cute things on some of the blogs I stalk. I see a lot of ladies blogging about things that they are thankful for. Taking President Eyrings advice from a few conferences ago I am going to try and make my blog more like a journal of things that I am thankful for. At the end of my posts I am going to try and add 5 things that I am thankful for. So here goes...........
1. Baby bouncers. See the video and you will know what I mean.
2. Dolly Strollers. Sophie just loves to push her dollies around the neighborhood while I push Laynie. She is so cute while she talks to her baby and pushes her around.
3. Nursery. Me: How was nursery? Sophie: Good. We talked about Jesus and had a snack. Me: Did you sing songs? Sophie: Sister Black came and we sang songs. Jesus came too. How cute is that. I almost started to cry.
4. The Elk Hunt. Yes I am saying it. There is one good thing about hunting..........the meat.
5. Proactive Neighbors. Layton City is trying to build a soccer park in my backyard and take some of our backyard to make a road to it. We don't like it. Our neighbors have been fighting it with us. Visit http://www.nosoccerpark.blogspot.com/