Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V Day.........

Valentines day is getting better and better every year. Not only do I get to celebrate my love with my hubby but I also get to celebrate with the girls! Sophie is starting to really get into every holiday and it is so fun! Bodi and I went out last night on our hot date. He surprised me with a couples massage and dinner. It was a great night. Today we spent the whole day with the girls. We started out our day with yummy pink heart pancakes. Daddy got us girls some balloons and we love them!
It snowed all day so we decided to make the most of it. We went outside and made a fort!
Then we ended the day with a romantical candle lit dinner with my Mom and family!

PS. Bodi loves to call valentines day V day..

My Valentines 5
1. A date night with my hubby
2. Spending the day with my family
3. Watching my girls hold hands and giggle in the back seat of the car
4. Ibuprofen!!!
5. Massages

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